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A Comprehensive Review on Potentially Therapeutic Agents against COVID-19 from Natural Sources
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Natural products, SARS-CoV-2, proteins, antiviral drugs, COVID-19, ORFs.
Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused the recent pandemic and worldwide outbreak of respiratory disease. Since there are no known specific drugs for fighting this virus and the process for new drug development is lengthy, scientists have been trying to develop drugs against this viral infection. The potent antiviral activity of natural products has been confirmed in several previous studies. Viral and host proteins contributing to COVID-19 infections can be targeted by natural compounds derived from plants, marine organisms, and microorganisms. The most important of these compounds are polyphenols (e.g., anthraquinone polyphenol, hinokinin, curcumin, and epigallocatechin gallate), alkaloids (e.g., isoquinoline, 10- hydroxyusambarensine, anisotine, and adhatodine), and terpenoids (salvinorin A, thymoquinone, bilobalide, ginkgolide A, and celastrol) from plants, sulphated polysaccharides (carrageenans, chondroitin sulfate C, and fucoidan) from marine organisms, and glycocin F and lactococcin G phycocyanin, and lipopeptide from microorganisms. This study reviews these compounds and their mechanism of action for treating COVID-19 infection and guides researchers in developing effective and safe therapeutic agents against this disease from naturally derived compounds
Researchers Ali Shahali (First researcher) , Zahra Jafari (Second researcher) , Rashid Alijani Ardeshir (Third researcher)