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Key genes in neural stem cells differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells: a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis
Type Presentation
Neural stem cells, Differentiation, RNA-seq, Microarray, Neurogenesis
Background: Generating neural stem cells (NSCs) from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) are essential aims for regenerative medicine; although, the differentiation mechanisms and processes are not largely studied. Materials and Methods: We used comprehensive bioinformatics analyses to identify the co-function and regulated genes related to the early differentiation of ES-like cells to neural (ELN). Undifferentiated mESCs from 14-day differentiated C57BL/6 cells were isolated and collected. Cells from this group were subjected to RNA-seq and microarray analysis by which differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were used. Results: ClusterProfiler Package performed gene enrichment analysis in Rstudio, a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed by search tool to retrieve interacting genes such as STRING, Interaction and NCBI databases visualized in Cytoscape. We identified Hub genes with the MCODE algorithm in Cytoscape. In this bioinformatics study, we utilized 10,569 DEGs and 8 time-series profiles enriched in functional and biological processes of self-renewal, cell cycle, differentiation, and neurogenesis. The MCODE algorithm analysis identified seven integrated modules that could play an essential role in the ELN process, including mitosis/cell cycle, ubiquitination, splicing, and differentiation. Conclusions: The study identified potential genes, integrated processes, and functional modules associated with the neurogenesis differentiation of mESCs.
Researchers danial hashemi (First researcher) , hossein azizi (Second researcher)