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The potentials of Phytoestrogen compounds in aquaculture–a review
Type Article
steroid, aquatic animals, reproduction, behavior
All organisms require the ability to engage in either sexual or asexual reproduction in order to ensure their own survival. In aquaculture, when one sex outgrows the other faster, farmers use hormones to stimulate growth. Furthermore, the production of fish based on sexual dimorphism is predominantly executed through the utilization of estrogens and androgens. Environmentally, these compounds may pollute the ecosystem and cause endocrine system alterations that cause harmful effects; thus, they must be handled carefully to assure environmental, biological, and food safety. Phytoestrogens as natural non-steroidal phenolic plant chemicals that resemble 17-βestradiol, could be employed as a safe alternative source of natural estrogens. The phytoestrogens have many biological effects due to their ability to compete with estrogen receptors, but they may negatively affect fish production, reproduction, and behaviors under controlled conditions. Thus, the current literature emphasizes on the beneficial effects of phytoestrogens on aquatic animal performance, behaviors, and some reproductive features.
Researchers poolin shohreh (First researcher) , Sedigheh Mohammadzadeh (Second researcher) , sara mehdi zadeh mood (Third researcher) , Ehsan Ahmadifar (Fourth researcher) , Mohammed A. E. Naiel (Fifth researcher) , Deepaak Chandran (Not in first six researchers)