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Sulfonated polystyrene-co- divinylbenzene cross-linked cation exchange resin: a potential membrane material in electrochemical applications
Type Presentation
polystyrene-co- divinylbenzene; sulfonation, sulfo-group, sulfone bridge;
Polymeric materials have always attracted high scientific attention due to their outstanding performance and high potential applications in variety fields such as ion exchange membranes, acid catalysis and separation processes [2]. Cross- linker polymers (CP) are a class of microporous polymers that are prepared via extensive crosslinking of linear or lightly cross-linked precursor polymers. They can be usually obtained by a two- step or one- pot process, starting from several monomers [1]. The most drastic features of mentioned network polymers are their extremely high surface area and porosity, outstanding chemical stability and their desire rigidity. Polystyrenedivinylbenzene (PS-DVB) based sulfonic resins is an appropriate candidate among so-called polymers especially under the highly oxidizing environment [6]. In particular, several synthetic routs have been explored to improve the electrochemical properties of these rigid polymeric resins [5,7]. It has been experimentally supported to shifting the resin morphology from a compact heterogeneous to a highly swollen semi-gelled phase. Thus, it is preferred to incorporate the PS-DVB resins in the presence of a suitable polar organic solvent to swell the polymer framework and to generate the extensive nanometer size porosity with a high specific surface area of hundreds per gram of the polymer [3,4]. Furthermore, this facilitate the locally aligned ion-conducting channels or functional groups in the polymer complex framework and affects the electrochemical performance that have been elucidated in terms of ion exchange capacity (IEC), transport number, etc
Researchers Atieh Sadat Sadat kachooei (First researcher) , Soosan Rowshanzamir (Second researcher) , Foad Mehri (Third researcher)