مشخصات پژوهش

خانه /Experimental and numerical ...
Experimental and numerical investigations of a modified designed baseboard radiator using an air gap enhancing free convection heat transfer
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
Radiant baseboards Free convection Radiation Thermal performance Energy saving
The pre sent study aims to im prove the ther mal per for mance of con ven tional ra di ant base board heat ing sys - tems by propos ing a novel and mod i fied de sign with the least cost and com plex ity. The con vec tion to ra di a - tion ra tio for con ven tional and mod i fied base board de signs is com pared by sev eral ex per i men tal tests and nu - mer i cal sim u la tions of heat trans fer be tween in ter nal pipe flow and in door air con vec tive flow. By ex am in ing the tem per a ture and ve loc ity pro files of both ra di ant base boards, it is re vealed that the to tal ther mal power of the mod i fied ra di ant base board is 34% higher than that of the con ven tional one, es pe cially at the oc cu pied zone which has raised in door air tem per a ture by up to 2 °C in dif fer ent res i dent pos tures such as stand ing, sit - ting and sleep ing. Also, the re sults show that the con vec tion con tri bu tion of the mod i fied de sign of ra di ant base board is greater than the con ven tional one, more than 45% in the same con di tions, while ra di a tion con tri - bu tion also grows con sid er ably. The re sults of 3D steady - state nu mer i cal sim u la tions show that heat out put from the mod i fied ra di ant base board per cm of panel height is 3 times more than that of the con ven tional one. Con se quently, it is in di cated that the mod i fied ra di ant base board has a lower sup ply tem per a ture, lead ing to en ergy - space sav ing, while its ca pa bil ity to over come cold air down draught flow is more, which can be of in - ter est to ex perts in the ther mal com fort field. Fur ther more, by choos ing a mod i fied ra di ant base board, the re - quired length of the base board will be re duced by 50% com pared to the con ven tional one, and this can have a sig nif i cant im pact on the ar chi tec tural and eco nomic lim i ta tions of the build ing in dus try.
پژوهشگران مصطفی عمران شوبی (نفر اول)، حسام الدین سالاریان (نفر دوم)، علی لهراسبی نیچکوهی (نفر سوم)، مجید اسحق نیموری (نفر چهارم)